Welcome to the Korsunsky Lab

Read more below

We do computational biology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School. We are part of the Divisions of Genetics and Rheumatology and Center for Data Sciences.

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Data integration

In the perfect world, we would measure all aspects of all cells in one experiment in a single day. In the real world, we need to computational stitch together datasets from different studies, donors, and tissues. We develop algorithms and software packages to perform analysis of genomic data with complex study designs.

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Spatial mapping

When we know which genes and cells are involved in disease, the next step is to ask how they fit together. Spatially resolved assays of gene and protein expression help us rearrange the pieces to rebuild the puzzle. With collaborators, we analyze spatial data to reconstruct pathological structures in inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases.

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Temporal mapping

How do single cell states arise? With collaborators, we are developing novel experimental systems and analytical approaches to predict the factors that give rise to pathogenic cell states.


Cross disease comparisons

Do different inflammatory diseases recruit tissue-specific cell types or do they rely on the same pathogenic cell states? We work in teams with disease experts to disentangle tissue-specific from tissue-shared cellular phenotypes of inflammation.

We’re located in the heart of the Longwood Medical Area

New Research Building
77 Avenue Louis Pasteur
2nd floor
Boston, MA 02210


Hale Building
60 Fenwood Rd
6th floor
Boston, MA 02210