Miles Tran

Hi! I'm a postbaccalaureate computational biologist interested in developing methods to analyze single-cell and spatial multi-omics data. I graduated from NYU with a degree in biology in 2022, where I had the opportunity to complete my undergraduate thesis in Dr. Neville Sanjana's Lab at the New York Genome Center. There, I focused on analyzing long-read nanopore sequencing data to gain insights into the epigenetic patterns associated with breast cancer metastasis.

After graduation I began working with the single-cell core at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, where I have been actively involved in the generation and analysis of single cell data. My efforts are currently guided by the joint mentorship of Dr. Kevin Wei and Dr. Ilya Korsunsky, and together, we are dedicated to developing novel computational methods to help analyze the data generated by emerging spatial and single-cell multi-omic technologies.

Beyond my academic pursuits, I like to tell myself I lead a fulfilling life outside of the lab. In my free time, I enjoy biking, fishing, cooking, and playing the guitar, finding inspiration and balance in these activities.